
Thursday 5 January 2023

The Clutter Fix


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Living in a disorganized, cluttered home can leave you feeling chaotic, anxious, and even depressed. You want a change, but you don't know where to begin.

Home coach Shannon Acheson is here to help. She has written the only book you'll ever need to get your entire home sorted and organized for good - in a way that makes sense for you and your family's unique, God-given personalities. 

In The Clutter Fix, Shannon helps you:

  • win the battle with all of your stuff by following her step-by-step instructions and checklists
  • discover your Clutter Personality and your Organizing Personality
  • create rhythms and routines to keep your home decluttered
Clutter isn't just about the stuff. It's about how you feel in your home - and in your mind. This book will give you the peaceful dwelling you've always hoped for.

Ah, how I needed this book. I LOVE to be organized. Visual clutter within my home is stressful to me, and makes it harder to relax in what should me an "oasis". Ever since I married and downsized from a house to an apartment nearly three years ago, I've struggled with being organized in a smaller space (not to mention, having to do it with the added stuff that my husband has!). Shannon's book provides some excellent tools and suggestions on how to organize room by room in a way that maximizes its intended use and purpose. I'm also one of those individuals who will hold on to items that I'm not using simply because they were gifts, so I found it helpful to read Shannon's advice regarding that. 

I believe I'll be referencing her book again and again throughout my organizing adventure as I make our cozy apartment a true home with a "place for everything and everything in its place".

Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. 

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